The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Wow - this is really powerful! Great job with the topic - excellent writing, too!
Loved how you wove so many stories into one. Great!

And may I offer belated congrats on entering Masters? YAY Sara! :-)
Sobering, haunting...
tied into one repeating sweet theme.
Great writing!
You have really hit your stride. This is outstanding. I enjoyed reading it very much. You made your point extremely and masterfully well.
I love this. Very, very good.

I really liked the sets of three one-word sentences, and actually would have included one in each story.

Loved this, none the less, though. Very, very good!
Although horrible ways to die, how beautiful to have such faith and to know He loves us so much,
Powerful. I pray I too will remain faithful when my time comes. Thought provoking!
What powerful examples you chose to show loyalty to our everlasting God--to be rewarded in eternity.
Well written with excellent building up and drama. Nice job.
Good writing. Good message. Well done says it all.
Sara, I think this is my favorite of your pieces. So excellent! Well done.
How wonderful - beautifully written. (This should be the closing page of Foxes Book of Martyrs!)
Powerful . . . vivid.
Being an avid reader and a great fan of martyr stories (they inspire me), I found this very true to life and richly told. What is death when it only brings us into the arms of our eternal and loving God?

Perfect title, perfect story for the topic ... and may I just say that I expect this to rank very, very high? I'll add my voice to those who said this is one of their favorites. :)
Amen to all the above, for the broad and deep sweep through the sweet, tacit truth of not fearing evil in the valley of the shadow of death. Sara, you have done beautiful work for so long, and congratulations on the many months it has taken you to become an overnight success at Masters level. Bless you heaps.
So many great comments. I second them all.
Congratulations for placing 13th in your level and 25th overall!