The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1914 times
Member Comments
An excellent lesson on the confusion that occurs when we take a scriptural truth too far. Thought provoking. It would make a good case study for bible students or ministry interns.
It's hard, yet vital to find the balance in such important life decisions.
Well written. Kept my interest throughout.
Great title - and an excellent job of exposition without dragging. The story/situation backdrop made this piece a great read.
Written like an expert writer! I was drawn into your story right from the start, and the lesson presented was painless, and easy to understand. I enjoyed reading this entry very much.
Yes, you had me all the way through this skillfully written story! Really thought provoking. A very good point made here! Right on target with the theme. So glad you 'hinted' on the MB!
Very good--some writers would have chosen to write this as a teaching essay, which would not have been nearly so compelling.
Lots to ponder here. This is well written and the message is clear. Nicely done.
Good story with much to consider. You've written it very well.

How about when a guy goes up to a girl he barely knows and says, "God told me I was supposed to marry you"? I know people this has happened to. :(
This very well written piece has some wonderful nuggets of truth in it.
I really liked how you explained the Bible truths and applied it to the situation. It is often difficult to explain the meanings of the Bible so all can understand but you did a very good job. Totally God inspired writing here!
I, too, liked how you used a story to teach a lesson. Much more effectiv. Good job.