The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1612 times
Member Comments
What a wonderful reminder that the "least" among us can sometimes do the most! Even though the lady of the house seemed oblivious to the human suffering, her "servants" endeavored to make a difference. I think Patrick's courage is contagious, too!
A masterful storyteller has done it again. I love the dialog revealing each character. You have enough "abundance" to go around, here, that's for sure!
This is indeed a "master-ful" story. Very well done.
Sooo satisfying! A wonderful read. You capture the face of hunger in vivid, haunting phrases that build up wonderfully to the heroic ending. The characters are beautifully fleshed out for such a short piece; I loved them, every one!
Highly readable. I think your Irish accents need a little work, but I'd love to see this made into a longer story.
I love the concept of this piece, and it sure does deal with that question of abundance in the face of poverty. Well done!
Well done. Great read!
Little scraps, little things, that can make an abundance of difference especially when people work together. A great message and very well written.
I'm a little bit confused by Cook's familiarity with Patrick toward the end; it doesn't seem like the way a servant would act...or maybe I'm reading it wrong, and it's the wife, but that's not the way she acted at the beginning...but at any rate, the story is charming, and full of grace. I liked the local flavor a great deal.
Very good story teller you are. An abundance of goodness can go a long way to ease hungry stomachs.
Great characters, strong sense of place. Creative and right on the topic. Well done.
Very, very nicely done. Your dialogue was great. Masterful story telling.