The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Sounds like you've been on quite a journey trying to define who you are as a writer. Thanks for sharing this journey with us. Good job describing your struggle to identify with various authors; I'm sure all of us on FW can relate! May you find true inspiration as you continue to walk with God, the Creator, and learn to be comfortable with the creativity He has given you already. Blessings.
Bullseye on your, we need look no further than God, our genuine, righteous, and fruitful inspiration!
Great insight and it fit the topic dead on. Made me laugh in trying to connect with writers of different genres for inspiration. I couldn't agree with you more...we don't have to look any further for inspiration than our heavenly Father. Well done.
Thanks for inviting me on your journey - thoroughly loved it.
Favorite paragraph has food in it!
Love your quick wit.
Great voice in this. A few typos here and there threw me for a moment, but I loved the story.
My granddaughter learned how to draw hearts before she was even interested in writing her name. I think you hit the nail on the head. Without it, we have no defining moments,and nothing to define ourselves with and to, its all just words. Love is transformed from 'it' to Him.

I really enjoyed reading the journey of your writer's life. And, of course, I loved the ending thank you for the reminder. Keep writing.