The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a real voice this has.

Liked hearing these thoughts from both sides.

There is much here and it fells that you could go mych deeper-maybe you should exlpore expanding this for publication. I know of one mother that I am going to share this with. She is always looking for hope and you present the possibility of it here. CUDOS!
This blatant honesty was beyond refreshing, I loved it. One of my favorite lines, "If you preach "submission" to me I want to throw things. If it hits you, sue me."
Funny...and oh-so-true some days.
I had to smile at your description of Mothers as superman. :) You've pretty much spelled out reality with this. I learned a new word, "fishwife". It's great. This is good, "fire me….in His oven of sanctification." Great ending. This is very cleverly written in a down-to-earth manner.
I enjoyed the raw honesty and writting style. Also, especially like the 9th paragraph. Great entry!
Reminds me of some of King David's Psalms, where he pours out his heart to God without holding back what he is really feeling. It can be hard to be honest like that. You make a lot of good points, and what a relief to know that we are clay in God's capable hands, moulding us into Christ's image.
I LOVE this! What a raw, real, wonderful voice! Wowsers, this really hits the spot.
Wow! There are no stops or yes answers here! Just the plain honest truth! I like it! My favorite paragraph was the second to last one though, it summed it all up. I especially liked the conversational tone, it wasn't accusing or demanding, a little edgy, but in a good way. Thanks for sharing! ^_^
This is very, very good. Your honesty is really appreciated.

I especially liked this line: "I refused for years to believe she did the best she could, because it was easier to blame her for my shortcomings." This is so true--and continues from generation to generation. (I joke about seeing my kids on Oprah one day--talking about their messed-up Mom.)

Really good take on the topic. Love the voice.
Truly excellent, Dianne! Wonderful voice, and such powerful wisdom. Wow.
I feel like this was written about me.

Really well done, thank you.
This reads like it was spoken from the heart, real and unmasked with honest motions. Great job.
He isn’t going to ever fire me, except in His oven of sanctification
YES! Love the way you put that!

Great piece with an easy-to-relate-to M.C. Well done.
This was a fantastic entry, so raw and so real, but not without hope. Yes, we come from imperfection and we too are imperfect. Loved the line about submission! Great job all around.
It's when I am most painfully and woefully aware of my shortcomings as a mother, or just a plain human being, that I feel grace pouring in most abundantly. This, I believe is what is meant by the words "poor in spirit" spoken of in the beatitudes. Why is your honest article so pleasing to readers? Because it is honestly more pleasing to God - Because He desires one broken heart more than a thousand sacrifices. Wonderful writing.
I, too, am a "work in progress." You expressed this so directly, so well.
Once again you have made us laugh and cry, both at the same time.
I agree totally with Peter. Maybe you should publish a book called "The Psalms of Dianne -- from Trials to Triumph" or something.
This is yet another example of how God can use even our tears and pain to make something beautiful and fruitful, bringing healing to many. I can see you ministering to dysfunctional people and families in the spirit of Elijah -- "turning the hearts of the fathers to the children" and vice versa.
Dianne, I stand by my original comment on this piece, I find it remarkably candid and open, a letter from an honest, probing heart. Keep up with your writing, you are touching many readers.

PS thanks for taking the time to comment on "Not So Different" It made me smile : )
Wow. I really liked this. Your writing was so honest and real. I think that this is the first thing which I have read on faithwriters which has really had an impact on me. Thanks. It really showed honesty and a "realness".