The Official Writing Challenge
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"Freedom past the teary rain". I held on to that hope, too, in the weeks and months following the death of my husband. There IS a freedom when you feel you can take a breath again and not be tormented by past pain. Some vivid and descriptive phrases through out this poem. You brought many word pictures alive in this poem.
I think our subconscious produces numbness as an alternative to pain. The problem is that numbness begins to spread to all of life until we are unable to feel anything at all. In the Lord's presence is a safe place to let it out and hopefully also among His body of true believers. Relationship is how it started in Genesis and relationship is still what its all about.
"I'll feel the fear but do it anyway" was my favorite line in this inspirational poem.
Rarely does a poem reflect this much inner reality and unmasked anguish. So well done! You've presented the depth of pain yet offered the healing element of hope. There's soemthing about the second stanza that really stays with me...that image is especially gripping for me. Thank you, dear poet, for this sensitive entry.
Absolutely love the transparency brings the healing!