The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Great title, cute ending. I thought the strongest parts were the descriptions of Mrs. Swan and the consequences if Chuck called her by what he thought her name should be. Keep up the great writing!
Your character descriptions were especially good.
Strong, tight discriptions with a great punch line. Good job.
I wondered what your title had to do with your story — very creative of you! Kids do tend to toss us off our pedestals on a regular basis, don't they. Good job.
Cute story, and it's true that children say the funniest things. Since this is in Advanced, I imagine the author wouldn't mind an honest suggestion, a.k.a. critique; Before clicking the Submit button...edit, edit and then edit again - as the errors overshadow, or take away from the brilliant story line. Your title was a great lure, however...and reeled me in easily.