The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a beautiful story you crafted! I loved the meaning found in the broken jar of clay. I really enjoyed reading this.
I loved your simple story, but the title was magnificent. Are we not all jars of clay waiting to be made useful by the Masters hand?
fantastic story and i think it is a winner.I can so relate to much of this and feel the emotions of the MC. I wrote a poem called 'cracked pot' covering some of the same experiences.i am glad you found a new way and poured her love into those needy lives. :-)
What a Great Title and also the story that was connected to the jar of clay. I can understand the feeling it may have created. Great story.
Oh this is amazingly written and such a beautiful piece. Your piece spoke volumes to me as there has been times in my life that I have felt like a broken vessel but praise God He restores and shows us gently His purpose for our lives. I loved the comparison you used with the little bird family finding dwelling in a cracked old pot and the babies in Zambia finding refuge in Melinda's arms and heart.
This is one of the most uplifting and heartfelt pieces I have read this challenge. They're all good but your Holy Spirit crafted piece whispered hope to this old cracked vessel of mine.:) Praise the Lord and thank you.
This needs publishing, seriously.
Beautiful title. Beautiful story. Well done.