The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Oh, where is the silver lining? The parents' hopes of seeing their daughter, her marriage to this man? What a heartbreaking story. God bless :)
The love of God is so great.. I hope that they turn to that.. and you can hope in His love as well. God Bless.
This is heartbreaking. I pray that you find your silver lining soon.
This is so sad. All we can do is teach our children when they are young and then hope and pray they make their own good choices when they are grown. I pray, too, that your silver lining is found, and very soon. Very touching story.
This story reminds me of a lot of families that I know. I have seen this happen all too many times. I pray that God allows your silver lining to appear in this situation. Thank you for sharing this.
Marlene, I love your final line. "We will claim the promises of God and continue to pray for her, expectantly."

What greater silver lining could you have than "THE PROMISES OF GOD".

You have great courage in sharing this story.