The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 826 times
Member Comments
You did a superb job with this unique POV, and the ending was so sad!

I don't think I get the connection with this week's proverb.

Nevertheless, your writing talent is outstanding!
Wow! Jan's right -- very good writing! I think I see how the topic fits, though. The dog was yearning to be free like the old days but sees he's glad to have his master at his side. He also saw the loneliness of the other dog, too, and could appreciate his master even more. Clever. Great job!
I enjoyed this story with the dog POV. A couple minor word errors, but very smooth writing.
You made the list for the Beginner Blessings this week! Congratulations! Here is the link:
Wonderful first entry! Love the dog's POV, and the topic was clear to this reader. Excellent writing. :)
You have a parallel proverb running here: the dog with his master, and the believer with His Master. I like the way you let the dog go and find his way-mistakes and all-and have the master gently lead him back to the path. Then, the master let the dog see what the excitement was about: a dog whose master doesn't care for him at all. Very good story-enjoyed reading this!
I love the voice in the piece. So gentle and touching, fantastic writing.
This is a well written story. I enjoyed it. You h have good discriptions, especially when they are in the woods. Your writing is smooth. Good job.
Very well written. I love the story from the dog's point of view. The ending was very moving.
This was a very original angle to take and very well written.
Very evocative writing. I was completely engaged in this story. Wonderful descriptions.
Great dog story - you must be a pet lover! My favorite part was the 2nd paragraph from the end, very moving to see the contrast between the dogs and their owners.