The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1155 times
Member Comments
This is very, very good and could easily be an entry from a higher level. The topic is right on and you did an excellent job involving the reader.

I found only one small grammatical error at the beginning, but it is a small thing indeed when compared to the overall excellence of your story.

With offerings like this you will move up quickly.
so sweet.
I liked the title and how you kept the theme throughout the whole entry.
I'm not sure of the application of the "lukewarm" in this instance. But I understood the use cold and hot water of your mother.
It's so good that you had that special time with your mother.
thank you for writing this.
You provided a vivid description of your mom and your relationship with her in such a few words--very lovely. For the paragraphs on the aqueducts becoming calcified and following one seemed to interrupt the flow, instead of contribute to it. You provided a clear enough portrait with the bit on hot and cold water.
This was melancholy but inspiring. Nice piece.
This definitely was above a beginners entry. I hope you place high with this one, because it was very well written. You deserve to move up to the next level.

I enjoyed the explanation of the scripture in Revelations and your history on the aqueduct systems. You did a good job of keeping the "water" theme throughout this piece.

Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed this a lot. :)
You gave me some wonderful images of care and love for your mom. Learned something, too, about the aqueducts and the significance to Laodocia. Very interesting, and touching.