The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This was a nice piece of writing--especially the line about the weepy day doubling as a faucet.
Wise mom and glad the daughter listened. Excellent example on topic.
Yes - this is an excellent take on the topic. Lots of wise advice here - very nicely done.
Good analogy!
I make bread, too, and you did a good job of inserting a phrase here and there that shows it well.
Good devotional...keep writing.
You won't be in level 1 for long, I am certain, dear writer. I especially relish this paragraph, linking historical events with the baking fiasco:

"...That first batch I baked too soon was the Battle of Waterloo all over again. It had overflowed the pans and wreaked havoc on the oven rack while I stood by like a distracted Bonaparte and wondered why I ever tackled making the stuff in the first place without help. Mom had taught me properly later, and now I was practically a bread machine."

Delightful reading--I want to read more!
Congratulations on your 2nd place win, and good luck in Intermediate!
Whoo Hoo! My little Minnesota friend's first challenge and she is in the ranking. CONGRATULATIONS! Didn't I tell you, Mary? I'm so glad you're here at FaithWriters. I have no doubt you will soar to the heights. Love you bunches!

P.S. I love your story, too :)
What an excellent story. Loved the title. The topic was very well stated within this easy to read and understand story. Great job and congrats on your win!
Wow! Great writing. Move up to Intermediate. This did not belong in beginners.

I really enjoyed the duel illustration of the topic, both with the bread and with marriage. Keep up the good work.
You have a true gift for writing. I'm so glad it was recognized, and I expect to see the climbing the ladder very quickly. P.S. I love your friend, Edy. Since she's my "northern sister," I guess you're my good friend, too.
Thanks, everyone, for your kind words! It's great fun to write and I'm glad you enjoyed my story :)
Congratulations, Mary. You did a great job. Love the title and your creative take on the topic. :)
I know you're proud of this entry and I'm proud for you. I believe you'll make the climb to the top in record time. My very best to you!