The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Well written piece.

Nicely done.

Hah! Really nice use of irony! :)

I was thinking throughout how this demon kept interpreting things as a victory when each one was a part of God's plan. And then, the capper that he actually thought Jesus being crucified was a success for his team...which, I guess, is the way Satan would have seen the execution of Jesus.

What a panic the place must have been when he rose from the grave! :)

Great job. I loved it!

This is a very clever and well written take on the topic and I would like to have read a sequel to it. Sometimes the word limit... well, limits leaving you wanting more. But then, that's the hallmark of a great story. Well done!
Definitely a unique POV. I'm not one for dark stories, however am making an exception for yours. You captured so much history as distant memories-nice job.
Congrats, my friend, on your placing and EC! Well done!
Congratulations. Noel, on winning a 3rd place EC award. I loved the characters names in the story. Do they have meaning or are they just made up?

It reminded me of one of my favorite books, The Screwtape Letters. I didn't miss the irony.
You never fail to entertain, Noel. Congratulations and God bless.
Congratulations, Noel. Your 3rd place is well deserved. A clever take on the topic. Like someone else commented, it reminded me a bit of C S Lewis' "Scewtape Letters' characters. Great writing!
Congratulations Noel! Great job on this!
Congratulations on 3rd Place!
Congratulations on your well deserved 3rd place win! Creative and engaging - I really enjoyed it.
Ah, the gems I miss when I miss a week! Congratulations, Noel!
As usual- another exemplary take on topic.
I ran off on a rabbit trail for a bit thinking about the 11 day journey and how the Israelites 'should have hightailed it over there.'
Great point and my rabbit tale went down the road of grumbling and what it cost them.
Thanks for this reminder of how history usually repeats itself in each of our lives when we are asked to step out in faith.
Another clever POV encompassing so much history. I too was reminded of the Screwtape Letters in this piece. I liked the line “ fear-mongering and fun-squelching”. Well done. I can see why it earned a third place award.