The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is such a stunning piece, especially in the light of the news this past week. While this is also terribly sad and quite scary, it also opened my eyes. I tend to want to shut out the news, but you showed me the importance of being plugged in. I even understand the Muslim boy a bit more, thanks to your beautiful words.
Very exciting and perceptive as you delves into the mind sets of enemies. Though one wishes to make peace the other clings to hatred which has escalated during thousands of years...

Wing His Words
A compelling account of a tragic truth playing out as we are writing for this week's challenge.

Very well written.

Thanks for sharing.
This is a wonderful piece in so many ways. Thank you for bringing together our writing assignment with a piece that wove a fictional story into our real life daily experience, what we are seeing on tv, what we are praying about. Great job.
Pretty unique piece with phenomenal writing style.
Well done.

God bless~
Great read-between-the-lines of today's news.
I knew this would do well. I think you should try fiction more often! Happy Dance!
Congratulations on EC for this well-rounded intense story.
Congratulations! This is fiction that hits hard with the sad truth. Your writing style was perfect for this story. I'm glad you didn't end it the way I expected and portrayed a more realistic ending, even though depressing. Excellent writing.
Compelling . . .

Wow! Excellent story and well told.
You wrote such a gripping piece from a perspective most don't think about-the many children caught in the cross fire.

Superlative current events entry!