The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1079 times
Member Comments
Whoa! This was so well written. You kept my attention all the way through. Great job!
Nice story! It had an old-timey feel, like a Mark Twain piece. Well done!
You kept me on my toes as I read the plot. Then when the Lion showed up on the scene I gasped thinking what will the outcome be in this intriguing story. Your ending was perfect. Whoa!
Fascinating story. I'm glad they found the boy!
This was a fabulously entertaining jaunt through the hills. Your characters jumped off the screen. Well done!
As usual, your story hooks and holds. Love the dialogue. Creative and exciting throughout. I love the line "He can track a whisper across a frozen lake." So well done. And by the way, how do you you come up with these stories?
Congratulations on your EC!
Congratulations Virgil, your stories never fail to satisfy!
I Love your take on this. Your character are exquisite! The suspense is grand. Congratulations! Happy Dance!
You are surely blessed with winning articles. This is one of them. Congratulations!
Riveting story all the way through, with well-drawn characters and a real rug-puller to close. Totally believable - and I loved the picture of tracking a whisper across a frozen lake. Well-deserved placing, congratulations.
Congratulations on your EC place for this. Well-deserved! Your story was full of drama and kept me reading to find out what happened. Your characters' language is well-done and they are very believable. Well done1!
Congratulations Virgil. Love this. Great job! God bless!