The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I think many of us can relate to either the older or younger (bigger or smaller) sibling aspect of this. :) I totally enjoyed their dialog and think "Izzy" is a great nickname. You've packed this with loads of fun. :)
Aw, this is neat. You found a unique way to relay an ageless (and heightless) message. Good job, glad you jumped back into the challenge!
Enjoyable and realistic dialog!
Oh, I like this!

At first, I thought Isaiah was younger, and his words at the end didn't "fit." To me there was a bit of a disconnect on Isaiah's age at the beginning and the end. But then when I went back to read the beginning, I realized he could be older too. :) So it may have just been me.

This is cute. I like it!
I like the way you've told the tale mostly through dialogue and included the message about measuring ourselves against God's standards within it. Clever writing.
"as his feet pushed up against the top of his big brothers’ bed." Somehow, I had a hard time visualizing this. Was his bed upside down? :-)

Grand message and told well. At times the little boy spoke with wisdom beyond his years, but the father character was warm and credible.

Well done for being "rusty."
As the youngest (and now tallest) of five, I warmed to the echoes that this brought back. Strong and credible dialogue in the bonding you've depicted.
I love the "measure" angle. Very creative! I agree about the dialogue seeming "off" sometimes. This paragraph threw me for a minute:

“I wondered what was up with the all this. Can you take mine and your mom’s back to our room when we’re done talking, please?”

There's a typo in the first sentence, but I suggest an action tag by dad, like picking up a pillow or at least gesturing to them. It took me a minute to get it.

But overall, a fun story on topic. :-)
This is a very genuine piece. having raised four kids and having grown up the youngest of 6, I know just how realistic this story is. There's also something about being the youngest that translates to humor, too. My youngest definitely has a great sense of humor, and I was always the "class clown" myself. I think it's a compensation thing, we can't beat them up, but we can make them look silly. :)

You created a set of very realistic characters here. Excellent job.
Sweet, cute story with a great lesson learned by little "Izzy"! I like the fact that the Bible didn't tell us how tall Jesus was or how much He weighed, so we can't compare ourselves with Him physically. He wants us to be just like Him spiritually, though!
Really great story, excellent dialogue and a strong message. A most enjoyable read.
Entertaining and enjoyable. Well developed believable dialogue.
Good job!
A very entertaining and realistic story. Thank you.
A very entertaining and realistic story. Thank you.
An entertaining and delightful read. I loved the note of authenticity that was throughout the entire piece.
Nicely done.

God bless~
A delightful read. Glad you've come back to the challenge!
Well done. I liked the realistic type of banter between father and son. In a way,it is the same sort of teaching Jesus did,. making comparisons and analogies through stories (Parables).
Guess you're not so rusty after all.

Good job.
Congratulations on ranking 10th in Masters and 15th overall!