The Official Writing Challenge
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Powerful word pictures!
How quickly we forget the spilling of innocent blood. Thought provoking poem.

I think you meant: Does what was right in his eyes, not Does what's was right in his eyes
Very nice. I loved this.
Well written. Wonderful visuals of mankind’s heart toward evil, versus Jesus’ sacrificial, saving love. My mind couldn’t help going beyond your poem and thinking mankind has not seen the full measure of God’s wrath as will come in the last days. I am so thankful that innocent blood of Jesus covers and protects me and I pray many more eyes can be opened before that “how long” for His return becomes “now”. Enjoyed reading this very much!
"No more, “How long, O Lord.” it cries
Instead, “It is finished!”

Amen! I liked the journey you showed from the beginning of time until now. And eternity. Great poem!
Powerful and relevant poem. Inspired.
Even with an occasional misstep in a beat or two, the poems's message is on key.

I was wondering if the lack of rhyme in several stanzas was intentional. My knowledge of rhyming patterns in poetry in deficient. :-)

I LOVE, "Christ's blood begins a different song, replacing the lament.
No need for trepidation my friend. This is beautiful and excellent.!
An amazing and powerful message you impart here. God's whole story, up to the cross, compressed into just a few lines makes for strong stuff. If you strip away the distractions we add to God's message and boil it down to "It is finished" the sense of urgency on behalf of us all to submit to His will becomes undeniable.

Whether the construction of this poem is up to the snuff of rhyme and meter and/or any other measurables for judging poetry, I have no idea. I do know it delivers a potent message and I was compelled to read every word. Thank you so much for sharing it!
Your poem contains a great sweep of history presented in the Bible--from Abel to Christ! The last stanza is powerful and is my favorite!
Your poem is a magnificent tribute and testament to grace!
You presented each stanza in a powerful and thought provoking way--leading finally to those wonderful words 'it is finished' well done.
Epic! Beautifully said and written. God bless~
Very nice. An eternally relevant message which points the reader to Jesus as the solution to man's ultimate dilemma of sin.
Loved it.
You really have a way of making the words flow off the page and into the reader's heart. This is one of those pieces where it makes me really think and that is always good.