The Official Writing Challenge
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Nice job. And so true, too, unfortunately. I wanted to question evolution in one of my classes too, but would have been much more snarky and sarcastic than your MC, and I was pretty sure laughing at he professor wouldn't get me any points. :D
Great job! I loved the MC...hahahahahahah. So good.
Unfortunately, this happens so frequently.

A niece of a close friend went to a very expensive Christian college. She entered as a believer, and exited as a "non-believer" due to a professor who fed her the "evolution theory." Her mother was heartbroken as she was raised in a deep faith household. She still prays she will come back to the Lord.

I loved this story. Thank you!

God Bless~
Very good job with this telling of a story that has been played our for reall too many times in the lives of students. Unfortunately, too often students accept that their professors are infallible and equate a lifetime spent in acadamia to being "smart". I love how such a simple question completely derailed your Professor Scorly - not a challenge or a counter-argument. Just a small question of why? Very well done.
My daughter challenged her student teacher in high school. She was very adamant about it. For being so shy, she stood her ground in this area. Awesome entry!
I watched a film called Genesis" in which it showed a creature similiar to a lizard crawl out of the ocean and develope legs as to adapt to land, and man supposedly evolved from that! It offered no other explanation either, other than evolution. The first chapter of the Bible explains everything to us in detail. God BLess and I enjoyed this.
I was thankful your mc got her nerve up--couldn't help wondering if this were a true story. I liked the fact that she caused the others to question and not just blindly accept what they were being taught.
This is certainly a well done piece. I enjoyed it a bunch. It certainly engaged and taught...

Please note:

- The paragraph that begins, "Professor Scorly..." - You expressed, "...retreated to her office, where she stayed until the class ended." That doesn't "ring" reasonable to me.

- Last paragraph - I believe that the last sentence could have more punch. To me, it was flat compared to the zest of the rest of the content.

Cheers to Granny for speaking up for truth! She upheld her convictions. What a great witness to the youth. They certainly need to observe more of such honorable conduct.