The Official Writing Challenge
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I LOVE THIS! What a delightful story; and one that each of us has experienced on some level.

Well written, love it!
What an important message you've packed in those flowers! It makes me think of how part of abiding in Christ is to love one another - not through rejection but by acceptance.
Great illustration of the woman running from the flowers. We should never have to chase down possible recipients of our gifts.
Beautifully said and written. Many of us are guilty of "not accepting" the gifts of others, that come from God's heart. In so doing we are "robbing others of being blessed" by God. We need to be both "cheerful givers as well as recipients."

Excellent job with this.

God Bless~
I loved this story and what a great message, to be careful that our attitude doesn't rob someone of being blessed. I felt sorry for the MC, instead of getting a smile, a show of happiness, for the gift she gave, she had the frustration of barely having it taken! But sadly in this day and age people often fear taking a gift from a stranger, for fear it is a gimmick, with strings attached. Isn't is sad that kindness from strangers are so few, that we are leery of them! Great job on this.
This is a well-written devotional. It reminds us that, in giving, we shouldn't be hurt if we don't get a thank you when we do reach out and give to someone. You really described the beginning well. Made me smile for both your mum and the old lady. She probably thought she was getting mugged. :)
I loved the intro and I loved the ending; but I struggled just a little in the middle.

"but why is it so important." The ? mark is missing and in this paragraph you ask two questions. You then go on to answer the questions, but I struggled for awhile to see that you were answering those questions.

I'm not sure of my ground here, but for me, the transition from a funny, but potent, story to an important message wasn't as smooth as it could have been.

But none the less a great message that is well told.
Yes, it's true that it's easier go give, for some Christians, than to receive. I find myself in this category.
I've got a picture in my mind that the flowers would be bashed and broken when the old lady got them home - and mumbling away she would have stuff them in the trash can.
This is a delightful story. I could easily picture Mum and the lol (little old lady) going at it in the parking lot.

Though it may not be the typical type of rich we think of, I still see the topic in this piece. I know personally because of my health problems that it blesses others to help me. In return there have been times where I was the one offering to help a friend. I was crushed when she turned by offer down. I looked her in the eye and firmly said if you don't except this token, I'll no longer ask you to watch my daughter when I'm in the hospital. She was shocked at first but as I explained, especially with my illness, I don't have a lot of opportunities do do for others and did she really want to rob me of the joy of being the giver instead of the receiver. So many people don't quite get that concept and I thank you for bringing it to the forefront!
I laughed so hard as I read this delightful zinger. Great message. My only question is if you might not have given it away in the title? From the beginning I was waiting for the gift to be rejected. not sure that it matters. I loved the story.
I used to have a problem with receiving gifts, but now I see them as someone caring about me, I didn't feel that way before I met Jesus, I just felt like I didn't deserve them. This is a great story.I am at level one but I know great when I see it....loved it.