The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1573 times
Member Comments
Part of me was smiling [especially when I connected where the misunderstanding occured], and part of me was blushing on behalf of Cathy [and what was being said behind her back]. I loved the name of the store, and grinned every time I came across it in your story! Your title is so funny!
I loved this. You did a clever job with the words foreign and porn. With the right accent it could certainly be misheard! Great writing!
Brilliant title. Some good characterisation too. Felt a little let down when your story ended so soon after Cathy's arrival. The comic opportunities were endless...
Your title piqued my interest and I'm glad it did. This was a fun and lighthearted story that left poor Cathy in the dark about the rumor. Wished she would have had the chance to prove her innocence.
Absolutely perfect! I love the rustic small town feel. The characters were well fleshed out--especially for having a limited word count!

I especially liked this line: “Harold! You couldn’t hear the trumpet of the Lord calling you to Glory with those ears of yours!” I literally laughed out loud.

Great stuff!
Congratulations for placing 12th in this level and 15th overall!