The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Some of this reminds me of one of my daughters--and for all parents who can relate to this piece, thanks for the hope-filled ending. We pray. God listens.
Great work with the topic this week.
I loved how you started out the story, and I enjoyed see Molly Kay's life from your MC's point of view. Good job!
This is a charming story. Some people just have to venture out and discover things on their own, but in reality they are never alone.
Thank God, she made her way back to Him! This is a great story reflecting many who have to "find themselves", their own way and were miserable while trying. I shutter to think of those who don't find their way back.
I've just read this for the second time and again, its brought tears to my eyes! Tears of joy and tears of longing! Thanks so much for this reminder of what God can (and does) do.
This story warmed my heart. the characters were so real, I wondered if it was a true story. The message was clear, and I loved the conclusion.
A great story of Peer Pressure vs Parental Pressure conflict, as described by a best friend. Hooray for happy endings.
It's truly heart breaking when our friends and loved ones have to learn it "the hard way". Well done!
This is such a wonderful story, perfectly paced, with rich characters. Well done!
Reads like a true testimony. As a grandmother of 3 teenaged boys, this really impacted my thinking. Your writing is spot-on.

Yes, a truly wonderful read! All the ingredients: it kept my attention, was well-paced, had great dialog and descriptions, and the great spiritual message that God's Spirit is the one who speaks to hearts and changes lives.
I wasn't a Milly/Mikie but I have known a few. No matter what else is on offer - nothing but Jesus satisfies. The dialogue was good, and the truth that came through.
I had a friend who could have been the model for Mollie/Mokie. I wish I had a happy ending for her story. I've tried to find her, can't. This really touched me, thanks Betty. Congrats!
A very good portrayal of an often occurring event. I loved the happy ending. Congratulations.
Wow, I can relate with Mokie to some degree. Thank the Lord He sent someone to me that helped me get my head on straight and keep it there. I love how you can really put us right there with your characters, I could almost smell the incense and hear the music.