The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1800 times
Member Comments
Wow! Excellent poem and what a lesson to keep the window shut tight.
Loved this poem! Great message.
The meter and rhyme is perfect. Great job.
Deliverence, or whatever, the strong man got the boot. Good message. Great job. God Bless.
Great poem with a super lesson. Well done!
A delightful poem. Thoroughly enjoyable. I got halfway through thinking that the source of the poor chap's woes was that he had picked up a wife! Your version was much more satisfying.
One quibble, and I may well be wrong, but I think you need a comma on your final line after "To stop him" Otherwise the natural sense is that Grubwort needs to be stopped from calling the strong man.
I love your whole concept, an "Eek!" from a demon. This is so clever and perfectly written, and what a name "Grubwort!" ...and perfectly tied to Scripture with the "swept clean."
This one's really special. The mechanics of it seem (to my amateur eye) perfect. But beyond the mechanics, the story, the feel of it, the denouement--well, it's just great! A publishable piece of work if there ever was one....
Congratulations Melanie! A fun poem with a powerful message. Great combination.
Great message, strong rhythm, creative story. Enjoyed this very much! Congratulations!
Loved it! Tremendous message in a fun format. Congratulations.
Congratulations on this entertaining read. Great flow and message.