The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1221 times
Member Comments
What a great lesson!
Loved the line "As Mr. Unbee melted from his office"
Seems when our conscience is being probed, everyday situations seem to relate!
Good story.
You're so good! I don't see orange but green -- with my envy! When I grow up, Di, I wanna write just like you! Hugz!
Oh, my, this is wonderful! I love the deep message underlying this innocent-looking story. Great job!
Great story here. You managed to get a sermon in without preaching :-) andtold and interesting story with a creative idea. You think great minds think alike??
Wow! What a message, perfectly executed. I almost lost it when I read about coloring the oranges... the thought cracks me up! :) Great story, love it!!
I love the message here...very creative, very well written. Very cool:)
Unbee-lievably good!
I see that your piece was like mine this week in that it dealt with different colored oranges. However, yours had an impactful ending and even caused me to ask myself if I truly know Jesus. He has never changed, but has my perception of Him changed over the years? And has it changed for the good? I thought this was a great take on this week's topic. The title fits too even though you said you struggled coming up with it. Thanks for sharing, Diana. Always a pleasure to read your stuff. :)
Loved this Diana. Our integrity should reveal that what's on the outside should be on the inside also. Great lesson in your story. Good writing.