The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1809 times
Member Comments
Beautifully written-- but oh, so sad.
Such powerful word pictures you have painted!
Absolutely beautiful writing with palpable sadness.
Oh wow. You certainly turned that sweet, romantic story quickly. Such a horrific time in history. Great job giving us moments before and moments after. Wonderful job!
Excellent storytelling, and you set the scene, time, and place without "telling" us a thing. Great writing.
Oooohh!! This was absolutely breath-taking. Crystal-clear descriptions and nice twist at the end!
Beautiful, Dee! Your description of the tropical island filled my senses. Then you took me along with the bride and her dress, so very creative for the topic. Your tragic (historical) ending surprised me, but it's perfect. This is wonderful!
I must echo the others, It was a beautiful realistic picture of a horrible day in history. Very well written.
So sad but so beautifully written. It made my heart ache, you captured each scene so well.
This is one of the best entries I have read on FW...sad, beautiful, minute details, loved it!
Some great descriptions in your article. Nice work.
Wow! I was stationed at Pearl Harbor (1964-65) and have clear mental pictures of vivid reminders that remain of the hellish destruction that took place there! A great reminder of the price of freedoms we enjoy because of the ultimate sacrifice of so many! Thanks for a powerful reminder - really struck home in your article!