The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a beautiful example of the impact of a message given with love. A picture's worth a thousand words and contained such a convicting reaction. Good writing.
Very engaging, though I felt the topic was slightly peripheral. I love the end of this too - what a message!
Started out exciting, got bogged down for a while and then WOW...what a fantastic finish! Loved it! Great creative mind at work here; Kudos, my friend, Kudos!(little light on "WRiting" topic...but it'll do for me)
You've captured the life of a road warrior very well: the chaos at home and the ache to be there. I was talking to an Olympic volleyball player yesterday at the airport and she said, "Believe it or not, all the places I travel, I like home the best. Yesterday my flight was cancelled and I was very glad not to have to go." I know what she means. I'm married to an airline pilot who prefers to be home. It's hard for wives, in the middle of the craziness, to imagine that their husbands long to come home. When my husband would return home, he'd want to eat at home. I'd want to go out to eat because I'd been closed up all week with the kids. You successfully captured the children, and the ache to come home. Good job of doing one sided dialogue, as well!
Creative work showing a man's transformation through a one-sided phone conversation - Wow. I wish the hand on mom and dad's shoulders would have been Jesus' hand. :-) I especially love your line about him forgetting something "important". The way you revealed where he was through the call for the cab was brilliant.