The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 940 times
Member Comments
Very creative parallel of the "Garden of Eatin'" in Genesis, with enough distracting details to keep suspense building. Well done.
This story makes for a very creative allegory! Well done.
I enjoyed this humorous take on original sin. Well done.
I enjoyed your allegory of original sin. Well-written.

God Bless,
I liked the Adam and Eve story told in an allegorical format. The contemporary setting gave it a creative twist.
This is flantabulous! I couldn't stop reading this and want more, more and more of your delectable entries/entrees . . .
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this entry. So creative as you retell Adam and Eve's story in the Garden of Eden. I love the modern setting. Well done! You certainly deserve to be in Masters :)
hahaha! wonderfully creative stuff here:) It was a humorous read that found me at the conclusion with ease:)

Welcome to masters!!!
A delightful modern-day tale that parallels the Garden of Eden story. Your descriptions are really good. My mouth watered as new items were introduced. Nice job.
What a marvelous take on the story of Adam and Eve. I love this!
Thoroughly enjoyed this. You did a great job weaving in so many details of the Biblical account. I reread and found even more.
Congratulations on reaching Masters level.
Well done!

Congratulations on your EC award with this story. Well-done!
Congratulations on well deserved EC for this story.
Congratulations, Crissi, on your 3rd place EC award.
Sorry, I spelled your name wrong, Chrissi.
Beautifully written parallel of Adam and Eve! I especially liked when Adam immediately blames Evie. "That woman that you gave me, Lord." Not much has changed, lol. Congrats on the well deserved EC.
Happy for you - such an excellent write!
Right! LOL ... Congratulations!
Congrats! I thought this was a winner :-) well done!
Congratulations on your 3rd place EC. It is well deserved for this re-telling of The Fall in such a creative way. With your permission, I would like to read this at my church "friendship outreach" group.
Thank you for all your kind comments. I had fun writing this one. Laughing at the 'Garden of Eatin'! Yes Ellen feel free to use this piece. I feel very honoured and hope it helps at your friendship group.