The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1681 times
Member Comments
I like the characters--the descriptions--the narration. . . the ending. I like this story very much!
Wow - this was a fascinating read. So many things going on within this entry. Emotions, messages and so interesting at once.

Thanks...God bless~
Oh this was a delight to read. You took me back in time and I so enjoyed the journey. The ending was divine. I didn't see it coming and couldn't think of a better way to end it. It's a wonderful thing when our children humble us. It shows that we have taught them well and they have surpassed any dreams we may have made for them. This is as true today as it was hundreds of years ago.
Congratulations AGAIN Addie! Wow! You must have hit an ALL TIME record.

You have won consistently each and every time you've entered. Are you secretly Danielle Steel? Hahahahaha!

Seriously, great job, and another deserving win. That is awesome...Amazing work.

Look forward to your next entry.

God bless~
Congratulations Addie on placing 1st with this superb entry.

You are a talented writer and I'm with CD above. Will the real Danielle Steele please stand up! lol
Congratulations, "Stephen." Superb writing!
'Stephen?' You've just been called Stephen. So you are Stephen Stark after all?