The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very cute, and oh so true. You had me in stiches! Well done and I love the title. Good job!
Fun...all the way through. I was with your mc every step of her difficult day. Excellent writing.
Oh, I remember those days. So glad they are long gone BUT I do miss them. Kind of. Very true-to-life entry;)
I enjoyed reading your piece. Very cute! I was wondering though why you had the "a.m." on the times in the beginning then stopped using them? Just my "details" eye ;-)
Oh, this is priceless! Terrific title. Content? Been there, done THAT!
Loved the ending. Come around for dinner. It's easier. Priceless.
Loved the format also. Very cutsie, just like a baby. You nailed this one to the wall.
Very clever--unique structure, and I enjoyed this very much! Exhausting!
Oh, this cracked me up, and I haven't had a baby in 18 yrs. The format was great, and the voice was right on. Nice job.
So true to life. Great title. Well written. Nicely done.
This is a time when the cliche' title adds to the story.
This is just so real and so much fun.
Vonnie, I loved this. It is sooo typical of what my days used to look like when my babies were small. Not only that, I began to feel like i was moving every time I went everywhere, esp. family (walker, playpen, diaper bag, extra clothes, etc.) YIKES it is just easier to have them over. LOL
Delightful! Great take on the topic!
Now I remember why I never wanted kids...LOL

Way too funny!
I loved this Vonnie,I also appreciate all your good posts in the boards. My family is going through this stage now!