The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You created vivid, powerful images in this piece.

Indian names are difficult to choose. Raashid is an Arabic name. A Hindu would not have that name. Simon may have changed his name after becoming a Christian. However, his last name, Patel, is Gujarati. If he's from Andhra, as you said, he would likely have a different last name.

I liked the message in this piece and pray many more realize the futility of belief in false gods.
A very good take on what is essentially the snare of an entire nation. Hinduism.

I think the comment above is being a bit knit picky. Names have such a wide variance that you can't really say 'this person shouldn't be called so and so because it's uncommon within that specific area'. If the writer had called his character 'John Smith'then you might have a case for complaint. Otherwise it's not worth the criticism.

Thank you for this enlightening and very well written story.
The whole idea of reincarnation seems so hopeless. These stories help me to realize the devastation they must feel when they wonder at how to be good enough to raise to a better caste level.

From the study I've done, those in India take naming their children very seriously. If it doesn't ring true for the area, would it hold it's weight if one of them were reading it?
Very vivid descriptions, and I was very engaged in the dream portion especially. Very nicely done!
I love the voice of your narrator--very compelling story.
Really liked this one, it seemed very authentic to me. I get the Twilight Zone bit, I had a few goosebumps when reading the dream sequence ;-) Great entry.