The Official Writing Challenge
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Excellent writing. The amazing thing is that we currently have about 10 crickets in our walls that will NOT stop making noise. It was like getting sound with your story.

I loved this part:

[The same question peppered the throne room of heaven on numerous days and nights. “How, how HOW?”]

Loved that part.

This was the first story I read this week, and if this is an example of how good they are going to be, then I have a lot of good reading in front of me.

Once again,
great job.

Dan Blankenship

I get that ringing in my ear and I can't imagine having it all the time.

I love how you started it and got me hooked by wondering where you were going with it.
Powerful story of how suffering draws one closer to God. May your deep abiding faith sustain you. Excellent for this topic.
You have written the story of my life! You have written it far more eloquently than I could have done!
"Fractured in body, but whole in spirit" What a wonderful expression. That could be applied to all of us in some way or another. I love the way you sought for God to use even this tribulation in your life. Very well written. God bless you.
Joseph told his brothers "you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good."
Only GOD can cause so much good from so much bad!
Thank you for sharing your suffering and victory!
God is Awesome!
Wonderfully powerful and hope-filled message in this entry! I really desire to get to that same point; grace and hope...enduring the unchangeable...reaching out instead of coning myself to my inward complaints, in spite of the illnesses.
"I had no choice but to respect His right to remain silent." Good point to remember when we face these trials. Great writing and a good take on this weeks topic.
Thank you for sharing how God can make the unbearable beautiful.
Mr. Tinnitus, I've known him well for almost as long as you have. Occassionally I hear bells ringing or birds chirping - ones I can not hear naturally with others - and they can't hear mine. So I enjoy my own private ringing and singing to make up for not sharing in theirs.

I had a hearing test a few years ago and was told I was "profoundly deaf in the upper frequencies, legally deaf" and there was nothing they could do. I went out in the car and started to cry - I was not able to hear my granddaughters talk to me. I looked up to see a bumper sticker - "Don't sweat the small stuff" and realized that no matter how loud the tinnitus or loss of hearing, "I can still hear God".

Thank you for sharing and I look forward to listening together to the angels sing. I believe we will enjoy it more than the Christians! God bless.