The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Wow - I wasn't expecting that ending! That was a surprise. Good job with this. Thanks. God Bless~
I like this and didn't see the ending coming at all. I really enjoyed the characters and the setting.
The end surprised me as well, which shows that we can only control our own thoughts rather than controlling the thoughts of others. Credible insights into your MC's mind. Well done.
Sad ending but hopeful if Rosa has a chance to influence 'Crocker's Choice.' Great lead in for future episodes. Well written.
I enjoyed this. I loved the names of your characters.
Well, count me in with the rest. I just knew Crocker stood up to go down to the front of the church and make it right with God. I love to be surprised, but hope Crocker makes it right. LOL Good job! God bless!
A well-written story. I like that the ending wasn't wrapped up tidy-like. So often that is the choice made. Thank goodness we serve a patient God whose mercies are new every morning!
That quote really got to me: If you don't keep God's appoints you'll most certainly keep Satan's. What a story!
Congratulations! God Bless~