The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Oh my heavens, I was smiling so broadly at your description of you in your daughter's dress! However, the ending rings true, God does not care what we wear, or how we look, he only looks at our heart and devotion to Him. Good story, I bet that photo makes you smile every time! God Bless~
This is a fun story to which readers can easily relate; and an excellent example of a teachable moment. As a reader I was distracted by all the detail (“back story.”) I think if you omit some of the irrelevant detail it will pick up the pace and make your point really pop. Great job though, and a good rendering for the weekly topic.
Oh I was with you all the way here. I felt the panic rising in me when the posh frocks couldn't be found. It's definitely a 'girl thing.' A fun story with a good message. Well done!

How sad that you were once so distracted by "material" things - TSK TSK - but times have truly changed.
I enjoyed the gentle self-mocking tone of your MC.
I don't think it is just a "girl" thing. I remember when I was a young pastor attending a conference and not wearing a tie. I was embarrassed; others seemed not to care.

Good story.
Congratulations on your well deserved second place win!!! Your story was so well written and I think most women could relate to the emotion of realizing you don’t have your dress! You did better than me, I probably would not have gone! Which makes your message even more relevant to me, as it is so true I know I get caught up in things that seems so important to me but are so insignificant to God! Just a great story and message, so well written!
I really loved this story, I am so glad to see it earned a win! It was one of my favorites...Congratulations and God Bless you~
This was a delightful read. I had several vivid pictures in my brain. (I'm sure you love that!) Thanks for the giggles and the great message.