The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This sounded quote familiar to me. I was sure I had heard it or seen it on CSI before. But my heart jumped when you said it was a true story. I can't imagine the impact it would have on you even though you knew him casually.
Tiny red ink in the 6th paragraph you used there instead of their.

You did a god job telling the story and making me feel for both you and everyone involved. Your message was a good one as well.
This was difficult for me to read. Difficult because it is so true, so real.

I have had personal encounters with this type of lost soul, and I have conflicting feelings toward them. I read about a woman who spends all her time making sure those on death row know they are loved, they matter, they count.

Sometimes I feel for the criminal, thinking about how their minds must have been tortured. But I wonder, would I feel this way if I suffered personal loss or harm from them?

There's an inspiring story about a man, wish I could remember his name, who forgave his son oldest son for murdering his wife and his younger son. The father re-built his relationship with his murderous son, who received salvation on death row.
Okay so I realize my comment ended up all about me, so I'd like to add that I liked this piece, because it was honest and thought-provoking.
Very thought-provoking entry, although it did not seem to be directly on topic (for me.) A couple of minor mispellings, but you have covered a huge issue that hangs around sowing and reaping - and God's grace.