The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Awww, I love this.
Such a real struggle when there are several good writers in the family.
I'm not a twin but it is something that I have to accept that my younger sister often writes better than me.
LOVE that title. I can feel that poor girl's angst. Great job with the dialogue.
This is perfect. I felt such empathy with both of your characters. It seems to run true in most families-that feeling that a sibling is better than you. Oh how that hurts. You did such a great job of pulling me into the story. These characters would make a delightful YA book or even an entire series.
Oooh, yeah, that IS the writer's biggest challenge!! GREAT ending, well-developed characters, and the title is so good, I was going to read this one even if there was no hint for it. :)
I agree, PERFECT title! I was completly engaged from the beginning. Your ending was right on, excellent take on the topic.
I've never had a sibling; even so, I certainly understood the emotions here. You developed this story beautifully and powerfully from beginning to end. Very well done!
I was pulled right into the story. The dialog and the twins seemed very realistic and very touching. I also would like to read more about them. Keep writing. God Bless.
Congratulations on placing in the top 15 of your level and the top 30 overall.