The Official Writing Challenge
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Dynamic true stories like this without a doubt get my attention and hold it.
It's just me, but I was hoping for more of the story in prison to bring me the resolution. Did this woman in prison find Jesus as savior?
Your point was well taken but a bit of a stretch for topic. Good writing overall.
I, too, was left wondering if Sundown changed while on Death Row. My wife, having worked for Child Protective Services for many years, provided me with more than enough stories of this type. I can't say I like reading them because of what I've heard in the past.
Wow this is so powerful -it held my attention from beginning to end. It is sad that there are such atrocities in the world. I'm grateful, that you remember Lisa, she deserves at least that much. The article will help her to live on in many people's hearts.
Such a horrific story, just wish it wasn't true. I like how you tied your own attitude toward the murderer with Jesus' handling of the woman caught in adultery. It definitely raised questions in my own heart about how I might relate to someone like that. Your entry challenges us to remember we are ALL capable of horrendous atrocities - but for the grace of God.
Well said, Brenda. A powerful story...very thought provoking.
My dear friend - we've been out of touch for awhile (the email address I have for you no longer "works"), so I had to come calling and found this story from your life and work. As another commenter observed, I'm so grateful you linked Sundown with Jesus' "neither do I condemn you." The mystery of evil as revealed in the gut-wrenching account of a young girl's torture revolts and sickens us. Yet, we know "the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it?" So, we all stand in need of God's mercy, don't we. This is powerful writing, Marilyn. How sad to realize countless unknown children experience similar circumstances in this vale of tears!