The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You just continue to delight me. I love how you manage to sneak the topic in so subtlety each week. I can't wait to read more.
Have you ever considered writing screen plays? Great dialogue and drama.
Curious-er and curious-er. I hope the author is having as much fun as the reader. I have in my mind many possible scenarios -does it all end this quarter??
So glad you're continuing this story. I think you've got us all intrigued and waiting for each installment!
You have my interest now. I'll have to look back through your stories and see the other parts or part of this tale. Very nice. God bless.
hmmm...the waitress??? We shall wait and see
A few words missing here and there but a lot better than last week's entry. Although a little sketchy. As a reader why am I to assume anything? You as a writer have to supply the little details for me. For example, the man that jumped out of the van. What was his ethnicity? Was he tall or short. Facial features etc. I think someone there in the restaurant would ask that, EVEN before the police arrive. Just a thought. Keep writing.
I missed a couple of chapters... I need to go back and catch up! I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out.
The story is a wee bit cofusing...perhaps because I haven't read the other parts of this ongoing saga,eh? It's evident that you're not a "secret" writer, as everyone seems to know you due to your serial writings that continue week after week. But, whatever makes you it! (*.*)!
...ah, a serial writer, in contrast to serial "other things"... I enjoyed the continuing mystery involving Nan, and am glad she still has her job for the present...
This is a great who-dun-it. Great dialogue and descriptions. I want more!