The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1412 times
Member Comments
WOW! I could not stop reading. And as someone who has never had the pleasure (but wants it) of serving on jury duty, I agree that I would have a hard time sending a juvenile to an adult prison unless the crime was extremely evil.

Writings like this is exactly why FaithWriters is the best writing site on the Internet, period!

Great work!
May God bless and keep you writing forever.
Dan Blankenship

This kept my attention throughout. What an excellent take on the topic! Very descriptive, good word pairings. enjoyed this very much.
Thank you. Having been a jury member I do appreciate the difficulties of this case. You have told your story well, believably, without undue emotional stress. Keep writing. God bless you.
What a decision was before the jury. I'm so glad that the little "adult" was not sent to prison to become a hardened ADULT....You told the story well. I read, spellbound, the whole way through, thinking all along, "I hope he is acquitted."...Thanks for your very true-to-life tale...Helen
What an excellent, excellent take on the topic, Mona! Yay You! Superb.
I was just reading about a teen being sentenced as an adult two weeks ago while writing on the topic of adolescence, without giving a thought about how the trial could have been unfair. Your writing has helped me visualized what other things could be involved in a case such as this. Thank you for sharing this story.
What a superb entry! You can be proud of the way you hold your readers spell-bound all the way through it! Kudos!
Great writing. Lots of insight and depth to this story. Really enjoyed it.
This was just outstanding all the way through!
I could not stop reading till the end...
What a great story for this topic! And what a tough decision to make, to let a guilty person go free. Why can't they simply treat juveniles as juveniles? He could have been punished for his crime in a place meant for juveniles. Wow, lots to think about. Good job.
A touching story. I think it's terrible to have kids tried as adults. I'm glad you wrote this.
I like Jane Brown. She is a very distinct character and the atmosphere you created around her is so very, very real! I cannot help but enjoy this piece, in spite of the suspense throughout. Great job!
Very well presented. I had never heard the term, "jury nullification" - good thing your Christie lady was there to give the uncertain jurist a way out as their conscience was leading. This is a very well-written, thought provoking piece. And as such, I'm not certain how I would have voted had I been on the jury, but you've certainly presented a good case for cause and reason to acquit. Then again one can't help but wonder what the accused will do with his "2nd" chance.
This is a very good entry. Wow. Excellent way to present the topic.
You kept me wanting to know if this poor kid was going to get off or if the book was going to be thrown at him. A terrificly written treatment of a very tough topic.
Congratulations on your third place win. I have served on a jury before, and actually got sequestered. It was very difficult...I can not imagine how much more difficult it would have been had the defendant been a juvenile being tried as an adult. Great writing about a very hard subject.
Yay!!! Congrats, Mona!!
Good story with a great message here. Congrats on the win.
Second comment, just to congratulate you on your third place win. I liked the story first time and like it the second time...Keep up the great work...Helen
Congrats on the win! You deserved it...

May God bless!

Excellent story!

I also wanted to ask you, you made a comment on my story "Winter Kill" that I should "show" more, "tell" less. Would you please help me to understand where I could do that more in the story? I seem to learn better by examples. Thanks!