The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I think that every parent of a teenager will relate to this one. I enjoyed reading this.
Your characterization is spot-on, and this comes across as extremely realistic. A great read.
Daughters are special, so close to our hearts and how we can relate. Good story, well written.
Very nice. This little piece holds much wisdom:)
Thank you for sharing this. What a beautiful ministry you have sharing this story with so many who need to hear it.
I love that last bit--there comes a time when you have to move forward. Please begin.

I loved the advise of the group facilitators and the grace you applied in the advice you gave Alaina. Great job, my friend.
What a wise and encouraging mother to be able to help her daughter with simple words of encouragement and leaving it at that, instead of nagging and prodding. I could relate and this was vey well written! ^_^
This line is exceptional "teary eyes became the forecast of the household climate."
Great work here, keep up the good words.
This well written story has a ring of truth. I applaud the mother for her wise, without being preachy, advice. Teen-aged daughters take delicate handling--souunds like we have a good mom here.