The Official Writing Challenge
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I'm not really sure where the topic plays into this...but it is rather humorous picturing deer playing Bibleopoly. Though it is a bit sad that it's deer playing and enjoying the seemingly forgotten game rather than people.
I suppose, being sad about a previous rain qualifies. Although an overtone of this delightful essay is that the deer are playing a game, and a human is standing around watching - hmmm,there's a sad state for sure.
What an incredible twist! You caught me up in the playing of the game. All the while, I was wondering when the punchline was coming, and then, zap, deer gamers! Never saw that coming and I doubt anyone ever would. You've got an amazing imagination!
This was super dee duper.
This was a most intereting story. I loved the twist.
Hehe This was so cute! "...join any reindeer game! (Like Monopoly!)" Maybe, to integrate the theme a bit more, you could have done it from "Rudolph's" point of view and had someone left out. And if you didn't get your inspiration from the song I quoted, then never mind. ;)
Love it! You found a very unique take on the subject, excellent twist.
What I found sad was the thought that all these people were sitting around playing a board game, but probably not ever actually reading their Bibles, building churches, or evangelizing others. To make the players deer only emphasizes the point. Do we take our Christian beliefs too lightly, treat them as a game sometimes?