The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Oh dear, I have a major fear of dentists, and this piece made me cringe--but in a good way, because your writing was engaging and I really, really needed to keep reading to be sure your teeth were all right in the end!

I was a bit confused by the first few paragraphs, when you were vague about "this fear"--I suspect that was an intentional device, but it disoriented me slightly.

I'm so thankful that everything is well with your teeth now! Thanks for sharing.
I also fear dentists! But I too, had major dental work that took weeks and weeks of chair sitting and hand wringing. I'm glad I did it. :) God cares so much for us, even in the seemingly small things that worry us. I have no doubt He made sure your needs were met by the best dentist! A nice slant on being "confident".
You've certainly been through a lot, but I'm sure your are stronger because of it. It's hard when we're younger to not be self-conscious of our looks and also to not look on the outward appearance of others. You have a good story! Thanks!
This is a neat testimony. Love the title too! Enjoyed the read.
I think the title for this is so clever. Very nice story. Thank you for sharing this.
I agree with another "commenter," your title is very clever. Good for you for writing about a subject most people would shy away from. It surely helped you gain the confidence you said you were lacking. This may help others to overcome their timidity of personal hang-ups. I am sure this was a challenge for you as a teen-ager. I too was a teenager forced to get dentures (at my own expense). I have never regretted it.