The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Do I note dry humor woven throughout this teaching tool of an essay? I LOVE dry humor! As I read, I thought, Wow! I could use this!'

There will be many who will appreciate this wisdom in such a humorous, witty format. I, for one have.
I also enjoyed the dry humor throughout this - and learned a few things in the meantime! I appreciated the examples from the movie(and I'm sure the filmmaker appreciated you NOT titling it! LOL)- made what could have been a very dry piece a lot more engaging.
Although not a screenwriter or playwrite - it still had good pointers for the everyday writer of books, stories or essays. Tongue in cheek type Steps Not to commit. Interesting insight.
Nothing like a lil dry sarcasm to go along with morning coffee. Great job and good points. God bless.
Soooo. . .I take it you wouldn't ever rent the movie again? Good lessons for writers of any ilk.
This needs to be in Writer's Digest, or a similar periodical. It gave me a smile, and it's so true. Excellent.
I'm just tickled with the word "Oopspa." I kept saying it out loud throughout the essay. I love sardonic humor, so this was right up my alley. (and I'm dying to know what this movie is!)
I like the sarcasm
I know this comes from the heart! After suffering through that movie (and, yes, I DO want to know the name of it!) you felt the desire to assure that no one would ever have to suffer one of its ilk. I appreciate that! I needed to read these reminders, too. One thing that irritates me is when they don't develop the characters and they begin to kill them off. I think, "So what? I didn't even know them, anyway." If they develop only one, fully, watch out and don't get too attached because he/she's most certainly going to DIE! An interesting title to an interesting piece!
This made me smile, but there's a lot of truth in this one. I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.
I'll have to reread this one if I ever write a screenplay. Also, I'll be looking for talking dog movies to see if I can guess which one.
This is so funny, and packed with wisdom. "If you have a message to tell, by all means tell it but if it is a story, let the story tell its own message." Lots of gems in there. I enjoyed it!
Words of wisdom well taken by this beginner.
What a cool piece. Practical points shared with humor mixed in. Your points were clear and although I don't do this type of writing, I can imagine myself keeping these points in mind when I'm watching a movie. Good job.
Heehee! Glad I didn't miss this. It was funny, engaging and very informative to read :) I shall try to keep your advice in mind and will be careful with all my writing oopspas!
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