The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Excellent job and excellent message. The false sense of security can be a "real danger" to many.

I enjoyed this. God Bless~
What an important message to heed. Thanks for sharing.
I enjoyed this and it really made me stop and think. I had a near-death experience and have no doubt it was from Jesus. I saw three cords though, not a white light and the pain of dying was horrific. I wrote a story here about it called The Three Cords if you are interested. I did enjoy your POV and think it is quite thought provoking. We do want to know the unknown. I think God only gave me a vision because that is what I needed at that time, does he actually let people visit heaven, I'm not sure but it's thought provoking.
I liked the message and I believe you did a great job leading up to your final conclusion.
This was a wonderful piece of skillful exposition on this topic. You guide the reader through valid questions we all have and then end it with the Bible's response - all in a masterful defense for a Christian view. Very Well Done!
Thank you for your view on this and a warning. It is true that we must test everything and be discerning. I also believe that people have been to heaven and that the vision has concluded that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Indeed even the disciples and others in the Bible had visions and dreams. Why should it stop now?
Well written and certainly concise and challenging
I really liked this! I've often felt that some claims of a white-light death experience convince people that we'll all go "there" regardless if we know Jesus. Good job! God bless!
A clear and biblical warning. Well done.