The Official Writing Challenge
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Ahhhhhhhhh camp memories...
I too was a summer camp counselor years ago for a YWCA camp for inner city girls between the ages of 12 and 14. That experience will forever be etched in my mind.:) This was good. I enjoyed the humor, moments of drama and a lesson learned. I felt like I was right there swimming in the chilly lake and sitting by the campfire. What a delightful piece.:)
Wow what an adventure. You did an excellent job with this. I could easily see why angels might be afraid of teen girls!
Well written and delightful from beginning to end.
Nice treatment of the topic and thanks for letting us know this was a true story -- I often wonder. There is a lot here; I think it would be a fun story for you to play around with, re-writing in a more dramatic fashion rather than the straightforward retelling of the incident -- much potential for "dramedy" here. Good stuff!
This was a good story and well written. The way you depicted the scenes made me feel as if I was there. Nicely told. God Bless~
Oh wow. What a story!

I would have maybe cut some of the "prank" scene so you could have expanded on the rescue. Tell us what you felt. Tell us what you said to the girl and what she said to you after that.

This is really good overall. Good job.
I laughed at this but only because I was laughing WITH you at the nightmare of it all, as this brought back memories of the three days I subbed at our church camp as head of the girls dorm and I was never so glad to have the regular counselor come back in all my life! They managed to toilet paper the Pastor’s car and spray shaving cream all over the boy’s dorm on my watch! I would definitely qualify this as a situation that people would say is a place even angels fear to tread! LOL LOL Great job telling this!
Forty years (gasp - it is that long ago?) have not dimmed the clarity of your recall or of the discoveries you made. Loved the humour and the honesty here; for being suspended by rope down a cliff face means that you must realise the 'gravity' of what's happening.
Great material, well-written.
Youth ministry can definitely be a place angels might even fear :) A great take on the topic and an enjoyable tale!
Congratulations for ranking 10th in level 3.