The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Shocking end! Good reminder to never think we are strong lest we might fall...
When you look at the story of the kings in the O.T. you get kind of depressed, seeing that many o them have a good 'godly' phase but mess it up toward the end.
This gives new meaning to the verse: "the last shall be the first." Very sobering: A good start is not enough. A good testimony of what God did when he first saved us is not enough. Finishing the race is what we need to focus on. Thanks for posting this.
Wow! This was a sobering read for me. I worked for 20 years in a Christian rehab and never, ever got used to those whom God had set free, and who had been free for a number of years, but chose to go back to that old life of drugs and alcohol. So many found dead, it broke my heart..over and over. But I rejoice in those that stayed clean and serving God, many more than chose to go back! This was a compelling story!
Graphically challenging, realistic material that keeps building up to a tragic end. More para breaks would have helped us to stay with it, without interrupting the momentum.