The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1540 times
Member Comments
Showing does work so much better than telling! I'm curious, though, why that account was videotaped? I'm glad the twins got things figured out when they did. A very smart mom, indeed:)
So much to expand on here - so much more I want to know - who shot the video? Who was her friend? What did she end up with in the form of consequences etc.....
It's awesome when our kids find our we're just kids who grew up and had kids....
Well done.
That got their attention! Sometimes that's what it takes, especially with teenagers. Glad they were wise enough to take it to heart!
This is so originally heart-touching! I was cringing for the mom, while admiring her courage to "show" rather than tell. Loved the atmosphere of being a Grandma's house too. Also, totally understood that it was a sting operation and the father kept a copy for himself. :)
I could vividly see these two as they watched the tape of their mother, and could imagine their surprise. This is an excellent story for the topic. Very nice!
So well told, it made me almost wish I had been a bad teen so I could reach my kids that way. I love the way you showed us how Mom now loves the Lord.
Great job of reminding us that Mom and Dad were once kids too. If you don't know their story and they are still living, ask them, before you can't. You will never regret it and they will likely be delighted in your interest and the memories you stir to life.
A good story with a warning - haven't most families needed ways to keep kid's on the straight and narrow. Thanks for sharing this. Colin
Great moral in this story, and well presented. The kids were able to "see" consequences, and that their Mom was human. Also I thank God for parents who will "see" reality and have the courage to deal with it.
This is wonderfully original. I really liked the fact that the mom was willing to be that vulnerable and open herself up like that. Also, that her father wouldn't let her escape the consequences of her actions. So many great lessons in that - well done Shann!
Awesome take on this week's topic, Shann. Love the transparency of the mother. She'll have much to say in that talk, won't she? Well done.
Awesome job. I also loved the mother's openess to share her mistakes.
Congratulations to you too!!!! On placing in the top 15 of level 3 and the top 40. Way to go!
An act of great courage of the Mom's part. A powerful lesson for parents. Great one!
Congratulations, Shann, on placing in the top 15 in Level 3 and in the top 40. Well deserved!
What a great way to teach! I too want to know who shot the video. Keep up the good works and congrats on placing.
As I read through your e mail I kept wondering who is this person that would take the time to invest in another's success. A great philosopher once said "the best thing in life is to pass on to others, what one has learned for oneself"
In my quest I decided to check out the articles you have written to somehow capture the heart of your writing. As I browsed, I came upon Show don't Tell After reading it I was able to grasp the concept you had mentioned in your email.
Thank you so very much.
I got it.
Truly, you are a master builder. Some hide the truth. Many tell the truth. Few people show the truth. I'm proud of you. Thanks for sharing your time with others.
Your emails are priceless.