The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Well written scenario. Motherhood can be overwhelming at any age, and a good support base is crucial for the down times. Perhaps the doctor could have suggested professional counseling along with her mother's support. Good story. The teen mother realized she needed help and reached out for it.
The dialogue was very rich, the advice priceless. Thanks for sharing this great story.
When I read this, I see it a little deeper, not lighthearted at all. Seems to me the mother has a very real problem that doing an exercise won't fix. Nineteen is young, but grown.
The quick-fix answer was a little too much. But, a good example of how the world responds.
This dialog sounds so real! I could hear the desperateness of this young mother, who obviously DOES love her little boy or she wouldn't be so upset worrying about it. Great advice from "Dr. Patty", too.
Very good writing. The dialogue was extremely realistic--I felt like I was really listening to a radio show. Excellent job with the topic.
This is a wonderful piece - full of truth. You ladies are great with kids. You usually cope much better that most men with them.

All you mums in here give yourselves a pat on the back.

You really showed the teen-age girl excellently, and the message came through clearly.
I really enjoyed reading this and wonder just how many moms feel that way too? (when they're being honest, that is)! This line:"Say it as many times as it takes for you to begin to feel it". really applies to all kinds of pysche techniques. Well done, Glynis.