The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This was a very moving piece that knocked on the door of my heart. It illustrates the topic in a very real way, but it also reminds us as Christians to be willing to follow the tugs of the Spirit to reach out to someone who is hurting. Well done.
This illustrated the topic really well, especially with the line: “It doesn’t matter what happens to me, as long as it makes him feel bad for how he treated me.”
Great message in this piece.
An excellent illustration of this topic. Very well done.
I like how you demonstrated that our care for others comes back to us in God's perfect time.
Loved the ending of this, and knowing that it was a true story really blessed me.

Some of your sentences tend to be run-ons, and I'd like a bit more "showing" in this piece.

Laura's attitude really typifies this proverb!
Wow, I bet the agony of this situation is played out more than we know about. Thanks for the stark reality check.
So glad that he went and knocked on that door. Isn't it amazing what that one act of kindness, of being different, can do to help someone in need? This was really good, especially with the post card. I liked it.
What a beautiful story.
Laura was about to commit the ultimate “cutting off of the nose”… Your story is amazing. How great to hear of her encouraging note to you. Thank you for sharing this with us.
What a rich life you've led in the influence of others. May God bless you for your caring heart. You told this story excellently.