The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a beautiful story. I could picture the entire scene as you described it.
A vivid and creative take on the topic.
WOW! Lovely story ~ and set in the majestic Cairngorms, too!
You have an amazing use of words.
This is great! Much better than national geographic! I really liked the descriptions and how you made this eagle family come to life here. The names were my favorite! Great job! ^_^
Nice description. You've got the making of a wonderful article here. One little detail, I think you meant "fearful" as opposed to "fearsome" when describing the eaglet's nervousness about trying again. But I felt as though I were right there in the nest. Good work.
A correction is required to one of the comments:- fearful and fearsome have a same meaning i.e. timid.
Below are 2 extract from Encarta World English Dictionary.
(1) fearful - adjective
timid: nervous and easily frightened
(2) fearsome - adjective
timid: easily frightened