The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1522 times
Member Comments
Wow - What an inspirational story. I'd love to find out more about 'Father Damien''s work. He was a very courageous man.
I really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing. What I really liked, is that I'd never heard of this man before. It makes me wonder what other unknown men and women out there deserve their stories of servitude to God to be told.

The only thing I can critique on is that I wish you'd described a bit more, instead of telling me what was going on. "Show, don't tell," is great writer's advice to live by.
Beautiful story of faith and love!
I loved this when I first read it and I still love it! That phrase about Father Damien giving his life at such a young age still reaches out and grabs me. Thank you so much for telling his story in such a clear, heart felt way! Hugs! :-)
What a great inspirational story. I'll be looking for more of yours! Kudos.
Inspirational and touching story. Well written.
Filled with inspiration! Well done!
Quite moving!

I'd have liked to read a bit more of the sights, sounds, smells--to get a real feel for the setting.

A very inspirational story.
What a beautiful story! Inspiring and heartwarming. I like the character of Karokina. Well done.
Good, solid writing, and interesting as well. Nicely done.
What a loving sacrifice. Not many of us are able to give so completely. Good story.
***Congrats on your highly commended!***
A truly commendable story of a commendable man! Good job!