The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
So you're saying I AM good at crafts? Unbelievable, yet so true. I may not be able to draw a straight line...but I can describe it....and we need both the doer and the one who writes about it in this world! I know that in Biblical times a craft was important, but what if we didn't have God's written Word? Thanks for showing us writers that we, too, have a craft!
Yes, I feel encouraged! The ending is great. Good job!
What I liked - I loved the ending and the fast pace of the story. What I had trouble with was the buildup - I kept hoping it would get to the meat of the story abit sooner. BUT - I thought the writing was excellent and great descriptions. Thanks!
I truly enjoyed your article. I also loved the last line, since I noticed you agree with me -- that writing is a craft.

These are our God-given gifts by which we may glorify Him. Wonderful article. Jeanette